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Music Togetherに参加してどんな体験するのでしょうか





English version

What do you experience when you participate in a Music Together® class?

From The Parent`s Viewpoint

You will find yourself doing things that you probably haven’t done for a very long time, if at all. While you may have heard the traditional English tune Greensleeves many times, when have you ever danced around a room barefoot waving around a silk scarf in time to this music? You will find yourself surprised by the wide variety of musical styles used in the program and how adult-like the tunes can sound. You will appreciate how much you are learning about music and that the benefits of the program are not limited to your child’s development. You will enjoy listening to the cd recordings at home and witnessing the impact the program has upon your child outside the classroom. You may find yourself looking forward to your class each week and consider it a special time that you spend with your child and other young families.

From the Child`s Viewpoint

The child will be intrigued by what their parent is doing. They will see their parent sing, dance, laugh, and make music with others. They will be in the middle of an amazing live auditory experience which will stimulate and inspire them. They will touch different instruments and explore how to make sounds with them. They will squeal with delight as they see grown-ups hop around the room pretending to be rabbits – being very silly indeed! And all of this will happen with their older friends who they like to learn from, and their younger peers who they like to teach. They may be shy in class, but they are absorbing the whole time, and love to experiment with these new skills in the privacy and comfort of their own home. They will enjoy making music with their parents whether it be singing in the car, or banging on pots and pans with a wooden spoon in the kitchen.

