Here are some comments written in a variety of languages from families who have taken classes at Ochiai Music Together . . .

Thank you Gillian for your fun classes! I cherish the time that my daughter and I come to class every week. We love the way you make us feel so relaxed in class and you have so many great ideas for activities to do with the songs.

My daughter often sings the songs at home and copies things that we have done in class. Keep up the good work!

Mrs K. (Scottish mother of 2 year old daughter)

娘が1歳になった頃Music Together に初めて参加してから、ちょうど1年になります。

Music Together の曲は幼児の喜ぶ手遊びや言葉遊びがたくさん散りばめられていて、特にお風呂場で一緒に歌うのがお気に入りです。

S様, (娘1歳)

My 2 year old girl loved music together so much!

For the first couple of times I couldn’t tell if she liked the class or not as she was always beside me sitting down and didn’t show her interests much. But as the class went on she was gradually getting into it that she started singing almost all the songs from ‘Sticks’ collection at home and started saying ‘I want to go to music together tomorrow!’

I think it’s just because we listened to the music and sang songs every day at home and in a car which made her feel like the songs we listened in a class every week became so much familiar to her.

Besides, the most fun thing she was looking for in a class every week was to play with instruments that she randomly chose. The activity helped her develop an imagination and creativity (what kind of sound it makes and how she makes a rhythm with it etc). Then she gave me a feed back what she chose and how it sounded like. And we often played with any instruments together at home too.

Now we sing songs anywhere everywhere and are having fun playing and making instruments.

I’m so glad my daughter enjoyed Gillian’s class so much and I can tell joining music together meant a lot for her. I hope she will continue having her interests towards the music for years and years.

Mrs Y. (Japanese mother of 2 daughters, elder aged 2, younger aged 4 months)

Music Togetherの音楽は、様々なジャンル、楽器が使われていてどの曲も楽しくステキです!

F様 (息子1歳)

Vi har stormtrivts på Gillians lektioner, sett fram emot dem varje vecka. Gillians lektioner är varierade och påhittiga, hennes entusiasm smittar av sig. Vårt äldre barn har kommit igång med att sjunga, nynnar på sångerna även hemma och hittar nu på egna texter till melodierna. Vi har lärt oss massor och gått glada från varje lektion!

Mamma med barn 4 år och 1 år (Ms S., Swedish mother of 2 sons, elder aged 4, younger aged 1)

Simple as it is … both, my son and I, we love Music Together!

Während der ersten beiden Stunden war ich etwas unschlüssig, ob mein Sohn überhaupt Freude an Music Together hat – immerhin gab es die Sprachbarriere und irgendwie wirkte er ziemlich desinteressiert.

Aber ich hatte mich geirrt … schon bald versuchte Severin voll Freude bestimmte Takte nach zu summen, versuchte Textzeilen nach zu singen und selbst zu Hause verlangte er immer öfter, die CD anhören zu dürfen.

Für mich als Mutter war es eine der schönsten Erfahrungen, die wir während unseres halbjährlichen Aufenthalt in Tokyo sammeln konnten und bis heute begleiten uns noch das ein oder andere Music Together Gute-Nacht-Lied.

Music Together kann ich jedem empfehlen. Gillian ist eine so wunderbare Kursleiterin und bringt mit ihrer fröhlichen Art jeden dazu lauthals mitzuträllern und herumzuhüpfen.

Music Together ist eine wunderschöne Gelegenheit gemeinsam mit seinem Kind in die fantastische Welt der Musik einzutauchen.

Mrs M (Austrian mother of 2 sons, elder aged 5, younger aged 3)

我很喜歡Music Together。
我和兒子在台灣朋友介紹下,在日本認識了擔任Music Together 的英國老師Gillian。我們在她的課堂中,與其他父母孩子一起唱歌跳舞,感到十分輕鬆和快樂。我見到老師影響孩子們互相模仿和自我探索學習能力。讓我的兒子也自然去跟隨手指遊戲,敲擊樂器來發出不同音樂節奏,從圖畫和動作去想像和唱出英語童謠中的故事,並享受自由敲打樂器及舞蹈。
我覺得Music Together不單止是一個國際性的English Playgroup,它還是一個充滿人情味,把老師兒童,家庭成員聚首一堂的音樂小組。讓我學懂在家中及隨時隨地也可和孩子一起用音樂來遊戲。到現在,我們還在晚上玩「There were five in the bed and the little one said…row over! row over!」

I love Music together.

I met a UK Teacher of music together, Gillian, from a Taiwan friend in Japan. We are so happy and relax to sing and dance with other families in her class. I can see the teacher affects the children’s desires to imitate and abilities to learn on their own and from each other. It makes my son try to follow the finger plays, play different rhythms by percussion instruments, imagine stories from pictures, singing and movement of English nursery rhymes. He also enjoys free plays on musical instruments and free style dancing.

I think Music together not only an international  English playgroup, but also a human touch music group to bring teacher, children and families close together. I learn most is how to use music to play at home and everywhere with my family. Up to now, we still play this at night.

「There were five in the bed and the little one said…row over! row over!」

Mrs L (Hong Kong mother of 3 year old boy, and baby girl)

